Fish Biology

Fish Biology

Life history of fish and other aquatic organisms often involves a series of developmental s

Fish biology research comprises three main themes:

We identify physiological requirements, tolerances and preferences, which are important for individual development, behavior and survival. Model species: Cod and round goby.
  Growth and reproduction
We study interactions between nutrition, growth, reproduction and environmental factors, including resource allocation, maturation patterns, hormonal mechanisms and gamete quality. Model species: Cod, eel, herring, and sprat.
  Early life history
We focus on survival, development and behavior of early life stages related to species specific biological and physical requirements as well as their interactions with the environment. Model species: Cod and eel

tages from gametes, embryos and larvae to juveniles and adults.

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture