Environmental Biotechnology-open-access-journals

Environmental Biotechnology-open-access-journals

Environmental biotechnology journals publish scientific data on latest advancement in the field of environmental biotechnology. Expert Opinion on Environmental Biology is one of the environmental biotechnology journals that promote ongoing research in the field. The journal encourages scientists to submit original articles that help the journal to achieve its motive of dissemination of latest research to the scientific community worldwide. The journal aims at publishing scientifically relevant and accurate data to create a benchmark in the field of environmental biotechnology. This is achieved by the support of an expert editorial team and reviewer panel which undertake the peer review process of all the submitted articles to the journal to ensure the published articles are of high quality and standards. The journal accepts variety of articles including research, review, case reports, short communication, commentary, abstracts, conference proceedings etc. Expert Opinion on Environmental Biology through its peer reviewed articles aspires to become one of the leading environmental biotechnology journals worldwide

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

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