Electronics Engineering Applications

Electronics Engineering Applications

You can work in the consumer electronics, aviation and avionics, manufacturing, electricity generation and distribution, communications, transportation, telecommunications, radio and television, computer applications, hospital diagnostic equipment and offshore industries.The world is growing at a fast rate and it is relevant for the technology enthusiast to upgrade with latest changes happening in the society. Moreover, it is difficult to spend few hours without electronics gadgets and they had become an important part of our everyday routine.

We are living in an electronic era where machine robots are capable to do human work with more ease and high efficiency. Capsules and tablets contain wireless sensors that collect information from the body to diagnose. Transparent smartphones will exist in the coming days, we can see through them and they may lead to the use of windows or mirrors in our home to be used as PC screens and TV monitors. Sensors are placed on the plants to detect the shortage of water and alert the farmers.Not only above applications, there are numerous electronic applications that change our daily lives in the nearby future.

Electronics era came into existence with the invention of vacuum diode in the year 1897. Vacuum tube essentially consists two electrode plates i.e. anode and cathode. This allows current direction in one direction. But this diode is not able to control the current flow. In 1906 Lee De Forest modified and named it as Vacuum Triode. The Triode has 3 terminals. Anode, Cathode and Grid terminal. Grid electrode controls the current flow from anode to cathode. This feature could boost the power of electrical signals. Likewise, Tetrode and Pentode had evolved.

The real development started with the invention of the transistor in 1948 in Bell Laboratories. Large Bulky Vacuum diodes are replaced with junction transistor.

Transistors are initially made with germanium material, later on, silicon BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) are grown up. Most of the devices developed today are made up of silicon only due to its low cost.

To reduce the size and cost of the entire circuit Jack Kilby introduced a new concept. This idea entirely changed the world. The complete interconnected circuit is placed on a single chip commonly called VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated). Computer processors used today are made up of billions of transistors integrated on a single IC.

The definition of electronics technically says “Electronics is an engineering branch that concerns with the flow of current through semiconductor, gas or any form of matter.

This industry is powerful in making real-time automation. This include:

Industrial automation and motion control, Machine learning, motor drive control, Mechatronics and robotics, Power converting technologies, Photo voltaic systems, Renewable energy applications, Power electronics, and Biomechanics.

Smart electric systems collect information from the communication technology and react accordingly based on power consumption. It is an application of intelligence, computing, and networked electricity systems.

Machines are replacing humans these days with increased productivity, time and cost. Moreover, safety is also considered for unmanageable works. Hence to delegate the human’s, automation has become the preferable choice for industries.

Electrical Engineering is a blend of teaching and research activities pertaining to both Electronics and Electrical Engineering. The Department has an healthy mixture of young and experienced faculty members, all of whom display high levels of enthusiasm and dedication. Apart from teaching and research, the faculties are actively involved in organizing technical workshops, camps and visits at the Institute to create an environment conducive to experiential learning. The research areas of the current PhD students include Image Processing, Optical sensors, VLSI, Power Electronics and Renewable Energy sources. Every year many of our B. Tech. and PhD students carry out summer internships at reputed academic institutes and industries. Approximately 20% of these internships are at foreign universities. In electrical engineering, design problems are both difficult to solve and also difficult to model. This consists to solve in most cases an inverse problem. For example, we impose an electric motor engine torque, the maximum flux density in the copper, the maximum magnetic field, etc.., and from these features, we try to find the physical dimensions of the motor that have this properties. But, in most of inverse problems, we have only finite element codes that require the use of algorithms managing functions like black box, such as genetic algorithms, Derivative-Free Optimization or Direct Search. We develop a approach to certify that the returned solution is the global minimum. However, preliminary work is necessary to model and obtain explicit formulation problem. In addition, once the explicit equations obtained, the problems are still very complicated to solve, with continious, integer and categorical variables and an infinite number of local minima. This forces us to consider it as a global optimization problem, because the difference between a local and global solution is often huge.

Last Updated on: Nov 25, 2024

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