Cosmology is a part of science that manages the investigation of the source, advancement of the universe. Physical cosmology is characterized as logical and insightful investigation of the starting point, development, structures and elements and furthermore the logical laws. Cosmologists study dark openings shaped known to mankind, the proportionality guideline and GZK cutoff for high vitality vast beams. Audit articles are the synopsis of ebb and flow condition of comprehension on a specific research point. They dissect or talk about research recently distributed by researcher and academicians instead of announcing novel research results. Audit article comes as orderly surveys and writing audits and are a type of optional writing. Orderly audits decide a target rundown of measures, and discover all recently distributed unique research papers that meet the models. They at that point think about the outcomes introduced in these papers. Writing surveys, on the other hand, give an outline of what the writers accept are the best and generally pertinent earlier distributions.