Communication Disorders Scholarly Journal

Communication Disorders Scholarly Journal

Meniere's disease is a disorder that affects the inner ear. The inner ear is responsible for hearing and balance. The condition causes vertigo, the sensation of spinning. It also leads to hearing problems and a ringing sound in the ear. Meniere's disease usually affects only one ear. Although Meniere's disease can affect people of any age, people in their 40s and 50s are much more likely to experience it. This condition is considered to be chronic and there is no cure, but there are various treatment strategies that will minimize the effect on your life and relieve symptoms. It also can cause ringing in your ear , hearing loss, that comes and goes, and a feeling of fullness or pressure in your ear. Usually, only one ear is affected. The hearing loss eventually can be permanent. During an attack of Ménière's disease, you may:feel dizziness with a spinning sensation (vertigo), feel unsteady on your feet, feel sick (nausea) or be sick (vomit), hear ringing, roaring or buzzing inside your ear, have a sudden drop in hearing.

Last Updated on: Nov 30, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Medical Sciences