Climate change is any significant long-term change in the statistical
properties (principally it is mean and spread) of meteorological
variables of a region (or the whole Earth) over a significant period,
regardless of cause. All the theories of climate change attempt to
account for variations in the amount of solar energy received by the
earth and the spatial and temporal distribution of the energy over
time [1-5]. It has been noted also that sector-wise, the combustion
of fossil fuels is the main source of carbon dioxide emission,
followed by deforestation and land clearance for agriculture [2].
In the last decades, researches have shown that man can influence
climate change through the following: a) alteration in the albedo
of the earth surface as a result of deforestation, land clearing, for
cultivation or construction and animal grazing; b) Increase in CO2
content of the atmosphere as a result of bush burning and burning
of fossil fuels through transportation such as coal, gas, oil etc.; c)
Interface and interference with ozone layer by pollution deriving
from human activities.