Climate change is a polar case of economic phenomena known as global public goods . Public goods are activities for which the cost of extending the service to an additional person is zero and for which it is impossible or expensive to exclude individuals from enjoying. Global public goods are ones whose influences are felt around the world rather than in one nation, town, or family. What makes global public goods different from normal economic activities is that there are at best weak economic and political mechanisms for resolving these issues efficiently and effectively.Implications from climate change are widely reported in an enormous (and growing) body of credible research that suggests that climate change is a reality. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) categorizes climate change impacts into two groups: fast or “extreme weather events,” such as hurricanes and flash floods; and “slow onset” events such as sea level rise (IPCC, 2012). The United Kingdom (UK) is at the forefront of climate change adaptation and mitigation. The National Adaptation Programme (NAP) was initiated by the UK government to develop a climate-ready society and to respond to the changing nature of climate risks.Global climate change is anticipated to exacerbate the impacts of pollution and other environmental disturbances on human health and well-being. Prime examples were discussed before with respect to food and water security. In addition, the many impacts of global climate change are likely to pose other, additional risks to human health and well-being.