

Cholecystectomy is the process of removal of the gallbladder surgically. Cholecystectomy is one of the common treatments of symptomatic gallstones and other related gallbladder conditions. Recently, cholecystectomy was among the eighth most common operating procedure performed in hospitals in the United States and Europe. The surgery is usually very successful in relieving symptoms of pain, but near about 10% of patients may continue to experience similar symptoms even after cholecystectomy. This post operation symptomatic condition is known as, pos-tcholecystectomy syndrome. The common Complications of cholecystectomy procedure include bile duct injury, bleeding, retained gallstones, wound infection, abscess formation and narrowing of bile duct.

Pain and complications associated with gallstones are the common cause of removal of the gallbladder.The gallbladder can also be removed to treat biliary dyskinesia or gallbladder cancer. Gallstones are very common and about 50–80% of people with gallstones are asymptomatic in nature and do not need surgery. Their stones are noticed incidentally on imaging tests of the abdomen (by ultrasound or CT) done for some other reason. More than 20 million people in the USA with gallstones, only about 30% will eventually require cholecystectomy to relieve symptoms (pain) or treat complications.

Last Updated on: Mar 12, 2025

Global Scientific Words in Medical Sciences