Cell Marker Journals

Cell Marker Journals

Cell markers refer to a type of marker that is specifically expressed at a specific time in a specific cell, reflecting the growth and differentiation of cells, and can be used to identify specific cells and monitor cell growth and differentiation. Cell markers are now also used in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. Cell markers have been widely used in laboratories and clinics and play an important role in the research. As one of the common markers of ovarian cancer stem cells, CD133 is a membrane glycoprotein encoded by cd133 / prom-1 gene, which has been proved to be a marker molecule of neural stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells. CD133+ cells can promote the production of vascular system and participate in the generation of new blood vessels, and play a promoting role in the growth, proliferation and infiltration of ovarian cancer cells. Baba T et al. first detected CD133+ cells in ascites of ovarian cancer patients in 2009 and confirmed that CD133+ cells had greater tumorigenic ability and tolerance to chemotherapy than CD133- cells. It was found that CD133 was highly expressed in oocyte carcinoma tissues, and CD133+ cells were more prone to tumorigenesis and migration than CD133- cells and could reproduce the original heterogeneous tumors. CD133+ was more resistant to chemotherapy drugs, and the expression of CD133 was significantly increased in patients with recurrent platinum resistance. MSCs (Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells) are a hot topic of research in recent years. It differentiates into bone marrow cells, fat cells and chondrocytes in the body, which brings hope for the treatment of various refractory diseases.  

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Genetics & Molecular Biology