Catalysis Review-journals

Catalysis Review-journals

Journal of Catalysis publishes original, rigorous, and scholarly contributions in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis and homogeneous catalysis. These include studies that relate catalytic function to fundamental chemical processes at surfaces and in metal complexes, novel concepts in surface chemistry, the synthesis and catalytic function of novel inorganic solids and complexes, spectroscopic methods for structural characterization, and theoretical methods of direct interest and impact in the science and applications of catalysts and catalytic processes.Journal of Catalysis publishes manuscripts of archival value because of their significant fundamental and conceptual contributions to our understanding and practice of catalytic chemistries. The journal features authoritative articles, priority communications, research notes, and letters to the Editors.Journal of Catalysis also publishes Priority Communications and Research Notes. Priority Communications contain unique, exciting, and novel results that provide compelling evidence for rapid publication; while results in such communications may be of a preliminary nature, experimental details must be fully documented and the results reliably reproduced. Research Notes typically contain data and concepts that resolve in a concise but rigorous manner issues raised in previous publications.

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Chemistry