Organics have been found to boost the proliferation of Rhizobium and enhance nodulation, nitrogen fixation, N and P uptake in legumes and oilseeds. In vertisols of Maharashtra, Rhizobium inoculation of groundnut increased the pod yield by 3.9 q/ha while FYM alone @ 5t/ha increased it by 1.5 q/ha, combined application of FYM and Rhizobium increased it by 7.3 q/ha. Similarly in greengram use of Rhizobium along with FYM gave 2.8 q/ha additional grain yield respectively over unmanured, uninoculated control. These and similar results in pigeonpea led to the recommendation released by from AICRP on BNF at Parbhani `Apply Rhizobium inoculants along with FYM @ 5 t/ha’