Biochips refer to the complete fundamental functional unit, capable of performing multi biochemical tasks simultaneously. Tissue chips on the other hand are similar miniaturized units that can replace a tissue or some part of it, enabling the organ to work normally. Both biochips & tissue chips have been elemental in tissue engineering technology and have proven to be of utmost importance in the same arena. DNA microarray also called as biochip in simple terms consists of a two dimensional grid system where upon sensors or solid flat substrates are incorporated. These solid substrates can be either positively charged just like silicon or glass or can also be consisting of integrated circuitry units that perform best in signal transduction studies. Open access journals tend to act by accelerating scientific discovery by providing free and unrestricted access of scientific knowledge. An essential role of Open Access is the long-term preservation of peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles and research data. Open Access can be defined as an instrument ultimately used for public welfare to stimulate the growth of global science.