Articles On Endocrine Disorder

Articles On Endocrine Disorder

The endocrine system is an arrangement of glands so as to release and produce hormones that helps to control many vital body functions, particularly the body's ability to change calories into energy that powers cells and organs. Endocrine diseases are disorders of the endocrine system. Endocrinology is a branch of medicine associated with endocrine disorders. Endocrine disorders are frequently quite complex that involves a mixed picture of hyper secretion and hypo secretion because of the feedback systems involved in the endocrine system. The endocrine system controls how the heart beats, how tissues and bones grow. It plays an important role in whether or not develops thyroid disease, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, growth disorders and other hormone-related disorders. The glands of the endocrine system release specific hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones travel throughout the blood and other cells and help in controlling and coordinating many body processes.

Last Updated on: Sep 24, 2024

Global Scientific Words in Medical Sciences