Aquacultural engineering is a multidisciplinary field of engineering that aims to solve technical problems associated with farming aquatic vertebrates, invertebrates, and algae. Common aquaculture systems requiring optimization and engineering include sea cages, ponds, and recirculating systems. Aquacultural engineering is a multidisciplinary field of engineering that aims to solve technical problems associated with farming aquatic vertebrates, invertebrates, and algae. Common aquaculture systems requiring optimization and engineering include sea cages, ponds, and recirculating systems Aquaculture & Fisheries degrees teach students how to grow aquatic plants and animals for commercial purposes. Aquaculture degree students can specialise in developing pharmaceutical products, scientific research, food safety, or sustainable cultivation and preservation of marine life. Some examples of aquaculture include raising catfish and tilapia in freshwater ponds, growing cultured pearls, and farming salmon in net-pens set out in a bay. Fish farming is a common kind of aquacultureCommonsFish are unique because you can study them through two very different angles. One is to learn about the animals themselves – about their life cycle, behavior, diet, reproduction, and more. The other angle is the relationship between fish and people, which is often fisheries