Analytical Techniques Scholarly Journal

Analytical Techniques Scholarly Journal

An analytical technique (analytical method) is a procedure or a method for the analysis of some problem, status or a fact. Analytical techniques are usually time-limited and task-limited. They are used once to solve a specific issue. Opposed to management methods that affect management of the organization in a longer term. In practice there are used a lot of quite simple analytical techniques that managers and analysts use during normal work. Often without naming it somehow. For such techniques, it is often enough just a system of “paper-pencil,” or general office equipment. They are based primarily on the experience of the person who uses them. There are also a number of specialized analytical techniques, which are overwhelmingly based on some mathematical model or which require certain equipment or tools Basic and most widely used analytical methods / techniques include:BCG matrix, Brainstorming, Benchmarking, Gap Analysis, Mind Maps, Pareto principle, Pareto principle 80-20 rule, Six Questions, SWOT Analysis

Last Updated on: Nov 26, 2024

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