Alcoholism Innovation is the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, in-articulated needs, or existing scientific needs in the field of alcoholism. This is accomplished through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets, governments and society. The public health aspects of the problems associated with alcohol use and abuse are exploding in quantity and intensity in the United States. Alcohol abuse has devastated many lives and significantly harmed many patients and families. Abuse of the social drug alcohol has long-term consequences for all aspects of our society. This editorial is not directed at moderate consumption of alcohol in a reasonable manner, but rather at the negative effects of alcohol abuse and misuse and the significant public health role pharmacists and those in academia must fulfill. Pharmacists, faculty members, and students need to embrace a much more prominent public health role in addressing this significant health issue impacting so many. The importance and cruciality of alcohol and alcohol-related issues are underappreciated and not included to the extent that they should be in pharmacy curricula or in patient care provided by pharmacists in the United States.