Yüzüncü Yıl University was established by the Decree
Law No. 41 dated July 20, 1982. However, attempts to establish a university in the eastern region of Turkey have begun very early. In 1927, President Atatürk sent Mustafa Necati Bey, Minister of National Education, to Van to conduct the examinations; Mustafa Necati thought that it was necessary to establish a university in Van. In 1928, the teacher Ferit Nur (Kuran) was sent to Van and converted to the current secondary school level, and the college was designed to create the universitys nucleus. On November 1, 1937, Atatürk, in his opening address to BMM, said, In order to create a modern culture city with a primary school and finally a university in the best part of the Van Lake Sahill for the Dogu region, said, for this purpose, at that time Minister of National
Education Saffet Arıkan, Van sent to the site for identification.
At the beginning of November 1938, BMM opened speech, saying that the establishment of Atatürk Istanbul University, the completion of Ankara University and the establishment of Åžark University around Van Lake in the framework of the studies carried out, continues rapidly and strongly. On June 11, 1951, the Ministry of National Education, Prof Dr A delegation of 15 people with Disas Ä°nan was established and the essential examinations for the location of East University were entered. This delegation will establish the establishment of an Eastern University, which will be the central Van; Elazığ, Erzurum and Diyarbakir, some of the faculties and institutes, it seems appropriate to open them as auxiliary branches. These days, the number of universities in Ankara and Istanbul has been increased; Faculties, colleges and academies were established in Ä°zmir, Erzurum, Trabzon, Elazığ, Diyarbakır, Sivas, Samsun, Malatya, Kayseri, Eskisehir, Bursa and Edirne to create new universities or their core. However, during these times Van was not among these happy illusions.
After the enactment of the Higher
Education Law No. 2447, which brought a new order to our universities on November 6, 1981, a decree was issued on July 20, 1982, about the Institution of Higher
Education Institutions no. With this decree, new universities were opened. These included the Centenary University. He has been involved in various local initiatives to establish a university in Van. In 1968 Van University and Establishment of Higher Schools was established. This association is Tayyar Dabbagoglu. Ozcelik Okayer and Dr. Ertugrul has been active in the presidency of Yeginaltay. The association has made efforts to open a faculty affiliated to Erzurum Atatürk University in Van and then to turn it into a separate university. For this purpose, a delegation formed in 1981 went to Ankara and the members of the association, which was accepted by the President of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Sayın Kenan Evren, were given the news of the establishment of a university in Van.
Last Updated on: Mar 09, 2025