Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

The University of Rovira i Virgili is located in the Catalan cities of Tarragona and Reus, Spain. Its name is in honour to a politician and journalist who was president of Catalonias Parliament in exile after the Spanish Civil War. The University of Tarragona, Reus and its surrounding area is named after him. The University is a teaching and research institution. The University education in the Tarragona area goes back to the 16th century. University education did not return to the Tarragona area until the second half of the 20th century. In 1956 Ministry of Employment started to teach technical courses for the first time. In 1961-62 they started teaching the specialties in mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering. In 1972, the title of "Engineer" was changed to "Technical Engineer". In 1977, medical courses began in Reus. In 1983 the Spanish Parliament established the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts and the Faculty of Chemistry. The Catalan Parliament has established and has created that the URV centers which already exist in Reus and Tarragona are dependent on the University of Barcelona. The URV has recovered its place in the 16th century from then it has gradually increased its number of campuses and courses. The URV is officially known as the University of Southern Catalonia. The university has well established relationships with both local and international business and society, which was one of the main reasons why the URV has been recognized as a "Campus of International Excellence" by the Spanish Ministry of Education. The URV is one of the leading universities in Catalonia and Europe because of the quality of teaching and long life learning, excellence in research, development innovation. URV mainly focuses on the internationalization of research. The URV has 9 faculties, 3 schools & 1 postgraduate and doctoral school. The 9 faculties are Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology, Faculty of Legal Sciences, Faculty of Business and Economics, Faculty of Oenology, Faculty of Nursing & Faculty of Tourism and geography. They 3technical schools School of Architecture, School of Engineering & School of Chemical Engineering. In URV they are 25 departments divided into different groups. URV also have other teaching, research and innovation structures. The other teaching structures are Centre for Hispanic Studies, Institute of Education Sciences, Affiliated Centers, Health institutions; other research structures are Research centers, Research Institutes, Specific scientific technological infrastructure. Other innovation structures are Innovation centers & Technology centers. The rank of URV ranks 28th position in National wide i.e. Spain and it ranks 674th position in World wide. The total number of students in URV is 12,637, the ratio of between student: staff is 13.The number of International Students is 10%.The ratio of female: male is 60:40.The subjects which are offered at URV are Business and economics, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, In Social &Legal Sciences the number of students in the university are 5.369 and they are 46.7%. In sciences they are 789 students and its 6.9%, Arts and humanities 762students and the percentage of the students is 6.6%, Computer Science, Engineering and Architecture1.933 students. In Clinical &pre-clinical health 2.647 students. The number of new students in URV is 3,055; the number of degrees provided in this University is 47.Doctoral programmes Postgraduates are 2,477; foreign postgraduat23.e in % is 27%. The official master students are 1.266; Master graduates 552, Number of students who are registered in PhD programmer 1.251, Thesis defended are 191, The students who are in continuous training are 3.941. The Academic staff in the university is 1.154.Adminstrative staff and services 666. The leading research areas in URV are archaeology, chemistry, tourism, oenology, energy, the environment, nutrition and health, the economy, law and education. They are several research centers in URV. They are ATIC – Advanced Technology Innovation Centre, CTNS – Technology Centre for Nutrition and Health, CRAMC – Research Centre for Behavioral Assessment, The Director of this research Dr Josepa Canals Sans, EMAS - Research Center on Engineering of Materials and Micro/Nano Systems, CEDAT - Tarragona Centre for Environmental Law Studies, CREIP - Research Centre on Industrial Economics and Public Economics Mr. Víctor Grifols Roura, Presidentd and CEO of Grifols S.A. Dr. Comesaña Antón Costas, Professor of the UB, C3 - Centre for Climate Change. Manola Brunet India & Enric Aquilar Anfrons. Medical Anthropology Research Centre(MARC).The Competitive financial support obtained (million euros) is 18,9 .Noncompetitive financial support obtained (million euros)Research institutes and centers in Scientific production and productivity 1.224, Excellence areas ESi are 7 .
Last Updated on: Mar 09, 2025

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