Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (National University of the Northeast-UNNE)

Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (National University of the Northeast-UNNE)

The National University of the Northeast was established in 1956 and it is an Argentine national university. UNNE placed in the two cities Corrientes and Resistencia in Argentina. It is a non-profit public higher education institution and seventh largest university in the country by student enrollment numbers. “Quality, Excellence and Pertinence” is the motto of this university. Chancellor of UNNE is Ing. Eduardo del Valle. This institution has branch campuses in the following locations: Paso de los Libres, Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña, Resistencia, Curuzú Cuatiá. Officially recognized by the National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation, Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste consists of the following faculties: Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Agrarian and Forest Sciences, Faculty of Agroindustry, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medic Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Odontology. According LatAm University rankings Universidad Nacional del Nordeste occupied #201-250. The University contains 53,308 students and 4,542 Academic staff. In the framework of the Institutional Strategic Plan that is being carried out by the Faculty of Medicine, on March 15, with the presence of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNNE, Professor Gerardo Omar Larroza, in the Videoconference Hall the Doctor in Communication , Sandra Hebe Massoni held a workshop on Strategic Communication in Institutions. Massoni is a professor of strategic communication, consultant, researcher and postgraduate teacher at the level, doctorate and masters degrees, in Argentina and abroad. He published 16 books and 26 chapters of books in addition to being columnist of newspapers of national circulation among other important activities that add to his trajectory. The School of Medicine was created by Dr. Raúl Norberto Rapela on March 5, 1953. The 1st Year of the Race began with 195 registered students, students from the provinces of the region (Corrientes, Chaco, Formosa, Misiones, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe). The first Management was formed as follows: Delegate Organizer: Dr. Juan de la Cruz Pavón.
Administrative Coordinator: Mr. Alejandro Rojo
Secretary Treasurer: Mr. Carlos M. Farizano. Dictating the following subjects with the corresponding Professors: Normal anatomy: by Mr. Extraordinary Professor Hired: Dr. Rogelio Brouca.
Histology and embryology: by Mr. Extraordinary Professor Dr. Walter Anselmo Alsina.
Dr. Pavón served until November 9, 1955 and Mr. Farizano until July 16, 1955.
Last Updated on: Mar 12, 2025

Global Experts in Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (National University of the Northeast-UNNE)