Unidad de Tecnología Marina

Unidad de Tecnología Marina

About the University: Located in Spain, Unidad de Tecnología Marina was established in the year 1994 with the mission to carryout marine and polar research relating to scientific ships and Antarctic bases. The R&D of the University is responsible in developing technologies for the marine and polar research. It is a member of several international groups like groups of instrumentation managers, scientific ships and polar infrastructures. The Marine Technology Unit (UTM) is attached to the Mediterranean Center for Marine and Environmental Research (CMIMA) and belongs to the Natural Resources area of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). The UTM carries out activities of logistical and technical support to oceanographic ships and polar bases, as well as technological development in the field of marine sciences. The UTM was born as a maintenance and support service to the oceanographic vessels Hespérides and García del Cid in the face of the growing technological and logistic needs of Spanish marine research. Later, Also included the integral management of the Juan Carlos I Antarctic base, as well as some logistical support to the Antarctic base Gabriel de Castilla. Likewise, we study biodiversity at another level, that of ecosystems, especially in the aquatic areas of the Mediterranean region and in the tropical regions. About Academics/Campuses/Affiliated Colleges: The Marine Technology Unit (UTM) is attached to the Mediterranean Center for Marine and Environmental Research (CMIMA) and belongs to the Natural Resources area of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). The UTM carries out activities of logistical and technical support to oceanographic ships and polar bases, as well as technological development in the field of marine sciences. The CSIC, through the UTM, has committed itself to a significant future commitment by supporting R + D + I, which will undoubtedly mean a definitive takeoff in Spanish oceanographic research. Statistics and Research: New regional vessel (50 m) has been created with multipurpose but ROV / AUV / D focused on support to ROV / AUV / DeepObservatories .Deep ROV and AUV facilities / vehicles (10 M Deep ROV and AUV facilities / vehicles (10 M€), Upgrade of the Deep Tow Sidescan to F.O / mobile. About 17 instruments were deployed 3 times on Caribbean.
Last Updated on: Mar 11, 2025

Global Experts in Unidad de Tecnología Marina