Panteion University was founded in 1927 and holds a reputation for political studies. It is located in Athens, Greece. It is one of the three oldest universities for political sciences in Europe. It was founded by Georgios Fragoudis and Alexandros Pantos. It is also called Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. Some of the niotable alumni are Konstantinos stimitis, former Priome minister of Greece, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos former Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic and Konstantinos Tsatsos former President of the Hellenic Republic. It is a participant of some of the European Union Programmes such as: ERASMUS Programme, Leonardo daVinci programme, Equal community initiative, Equapol, Tempus and Geopac. The university is linked to European Centre of Resea4ch and
Education on Human rights and Humanitarian action, European centre of environmental research and
education and European documentation centerre. The Panteio university is an active participant in environmental research works such as: Hellenic
Biodiversity Network and Dialogue for Europe.
Last Updated on: Mar 12, 2025