Padagogische Hochschule Bern

Padagogische Hochschule Bern

The Bern University of Teacher Education (PHBern) is the training center for teachers in the Swiss canton of Berne. It has been operational since 1 September 2005 and was created by the merger of various institutions for the education and training of teachers. In addition to education and further education. . The Bern University of Education is financed by the Canton of Berne, but is strategically and operationally independent. The canton provides the scope and form of the offer. In addition to the training of teachers, the main tasks of PHBern are the areas of "Research and Development", "Continuing Education" and "Media Education. The school board is the strategic management body of the PHBern [8] The Rector is responsible for the implementation of the strategy as well as for the operational operation of the PHBern. The PHBern consists of the following institutes : Institute Preschool and Primary, Institute of Secondary Education, Institute of Secondary Education II, Institute for Therapeutic Education, Institute for Continuing Education and Media Education, Institute for Research, Development and Evaluation, The PHBern is also the private institution for preschool and primary school NMS.  PHBern also conducts research and development as well as media education and offers services. With around 2500 students. PHBern is the third largest educational university in switzerland Research The institutes of teacher training as well as the institute for research, development and evaluation are located on the site of the university center of Roll in the Länggassquartier  
Last Updated on: Feb 21, 2025

Global Experts in Padagogische Hochschule Bern