National University of Colombia

National University of Colombia

It has its mission for promotion of equal access to the Colombian education system as it is continuoslly offering majority of academic programs and simultaneously trains competent and socially responsible professionals. It plays major role in development and re-significance of the Nation project, it studies and enriches the cultural, natural and environmental countrys heritage. As it, assists to the scientific, technological, cultural and artistic order, with academic and research autonomy. The University’s has its vision to increase the knowledge through investigation, to dessiminate knowledge through education, learning and interaction processes that are related to new national realities, leading the changes that the Superior Education System requires. In the same manner, searches for the formation of individuals that are based on the own codes of modernity like science, ethics and esthetics with a great capacity of abstraction, suitable for the experimentation, team work and a great capacity of adapting to change. Its main aim is to contribute to the national unity, as its center of the intellectual and cultural life, open to all social, ethnic, regional and local trends of thought, to assimilate critically and create knowledge in the advanced fields of science, technique, technology, art and philosophy and to train free citizens and promote the democratic values of tolerance and commitment to civil duties and human rights.etc.
Last Updated on: Mar 09, 2025

Global Experts in National University of Colombia