Lulea University of Technology

Lulea University of Technology

Lulea University of Technology is Scandinavias northernmost college of engineering. It has four campuses found in Luleå (the principle grounds), Kiruna (space science), Skellefteå (wood innovation and machine diversion building) and Piteå (Department of music and media). The college was established on 1 June 1971 at Porsön in Luleå as Högskoleenheten i Luleå. The name was later changed to Högskolan i (Luleå University College). In 1997, it was conceded college status by the Swedish government, and is since known as Luleå University of Technology. LTU offers 17 Master projects that incorporate projects in Civil Engineering, Climate Sensitive Urban Planning and Building, Wood Technology, Spacecraft Design along with other programs.
Last Updated on: Feb 21, 2025

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