Krishna University

Krishna University

In pursuance of the recommendations of Knowledge Commission, Krishna University was established, vide Andhra Pradesh Act.No.4 of 1991, G.O Ms. No.89 Higher Education (U.E.II) dated 25/06/2008 and G.O Ms. No.109, Higher Education (U.E.II) department dated 14/07/2008 at Machilipatnam, as the town is the head-quarters of Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh. On 23/04/08, the then Honble Chief Minister Dr.Y Rajasekhara Reddy laid the foundation stone for the University. A Feasibility committee headed by Prof. K. Viyyanna Rao visited Machilipatnam for establishing the University. Krishna University has adopted the emblem etched here, which symbolizes the university in spirit and sanctimonium. The name "Krishna" is derived from its etymology signifying the "blackness" from out of which the perfect manifestation of the Universe and Divinity can be visualized. The energy of light can be absorbed into "Krishna", which embodies cosmic consciousness. Statistics: The name of river Krishna, the lifeline of the Krishna basin and its lower deltaic regions of the Krishna District, is evident etymologically in "Krishna", and the entire district forms the territorial jurisdiction of Krishna University. The lighthouse in the emblem symbolizes the pathfinder and the beam of light emerging from it personifies the vital energy manifesting in different forms of life. It also recalls the geographical location of the varsity, viz. Machilipatnam, a historic and an ancient port city, which existed since 3rd century BC. The water represented by the blue colour on the lower half of the emblem is the veritable life principle, symbolizes the power of transition from ignorance to ultimate knowledge. The Purna Kumbha recalls the prototype from Amaravati sculpture from the early centuries signifies sasya (fertility), Santana (increase) and samriddhi (plentitude). It also indicates that human beings are part of Mother Nature and when nature thrives, human beings too flourish. The open book on the lower part of the emblem edifies the endless knowledge. The dharma chakra (law wheel) or Asoka Chakra lying at the bottom evokes national integration and Gautama Buddhas preachings on dharma. The fish juxtaposed on either side of dharma chakra, represent the Blue Revolution of Krishna district as this district is endowed with one of the largest fresh water lakes of India viz. Lake Kolleru. The leaves at the base on either side of dharma chakra denote the productive green revolution of Krishna district, the rice bowl of Andhra Pradesh. The technical education and the dissemination of latest advances in scientific knowledge are symbolized by the outer serrated wheel. This brilliant insignia highlights the equal emphasis laid by Krishna University on Humanities, Life sciences, Science and Technology. Ultimately, the motto of Krishna University is spardhayaa vardhate vidya, preaching that education flourishes through competition and scholarly wisdom, and it can be acquired through dharana (acquisition), visleshana (analysis), anvaya(application) and bodhana (teaching).
Last Updated on: Mar 09, 2025

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