Instituto de Hortofruticultura Subtropical y Mediterranea La Mayora

Instituto de Hortofruticultura Subtropical y Mediterranea La Mayora

Instituto de Hortofruticultura Subtropical y Mediterranea La Mayora Institute: The Institute for Mediterranean and Subtropical Horticulture "La Mayora" (IHSM-UMA-CSIC) was created in 2010 as a synergy between consolidated research groups from the experimental station "La Mayora" of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones científicas (CSIC) and from the University of Málaga (UMA). The Institute aims to promote and coordinate the current scientific research in intensive horticulture and subtropical fruit production already developed by these groups. The Institute will count with a new building and additional research facilities in the campus of the University of Málaga, while maintaining as an essential resource the preexisting experimental station located in Algarrobo Costa (Málaga). our interest is the improvement of nutritional quality (higher vitamin, antioxidants, sugars, organic acids, and arome contents), external appearance (color, shape, avoidance of disorders such as cracking) and ripening of fruits. Significant efforts are devoted to tolerance to abiotic stresses (drought, salinity), resistance to arthropod pests (spider mites, whiteflies. Academics: The activity of the Subtropical Fruit Crops Department, focused in a sustainable utilization of genetic resources to optimize production in subtropical fruit tree species both under the current environmental conditions as well as taking into account climate change predictions, is unique in CSIC. In order to carry out that main activity a detailed knowledge of plant material and cultural techniques is combined with the use of molecular approaches, genetic transformation and microscopy along the following specific objectives: • Study, characterization, conservation and utilization of germplasm. • Implications of reproductive biology in fertilization and fruit set. • Development of new cultural techniques to improve productivity and quality. • Selection of plant material for its use in breeding programs. • Tissue culture and genetic transformation. The funded research projects carried out by members of this research line, which includes 10 staff scientist, are focused around two main aims: studying the structure, genetic diversity and evolution of plant pathogens, and understanding of the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying plant-pathogen interactions, important for both the development of diseases and the establishment of resistance. Different research projects are being conducted by our group, with aims in the etiology, epidemiology and control of diseases of relevant subtropical and Mediterranean crops, as well as in the characterization of the biology, pathogenesis, virulence and ecology of bacteria and fungi that cause them. Research: Some of the projects carried out- • Genomic approaches for the rational control of cucurbit powdery mildew (Podosphaera fusca) • Exploitation of genomics in cucurbit powdery mildew control • Research & development and licensing agreement • Emerging diseases of mango crops in Andalusia. From basic research to technology transfer • Mango malformation disease and its causal agent Fusarium spp. • Deepening in the biology and control of the two mango critical diseases in Andalusia Genomic stategies for biological control of fungal diseases affecting relevant crops in andalucia • Aproximación multidisciplinar para el estudio de la mutagénesis letal de virus RNA y DNA: experimentos in vivo e in silico • Mutagénesis incrementada de virus emergentes de DNA de plantas. Papel de las polimerasas de translesión. • Virus emergence and whitheflies: multitrofic interactions in the pathosystem geminvirus/crinivirus-Bemisia tabaci-tomato • Type III effectors from Pseudomonas syringae: approaching plant defence and defence suppression from the secretome • Impact of the Pseudomonas syringae type III secretion system on epigenetic marks on the DNA and histones of the infected plant • Suppression of effector-triggered immunity and its role on the adaptation of Pseudomonas syringae to the host • Nuevos mecanismos de adaptación en Pseudomonas syringae: supresión de defensa sistémica y formación de linajes bacterianos Principal researchers- • Francisco Manuel Cazorla López • Antonio De Vicente Moreno • Alejandro Pérez García • Cayo Ramos Rodríguez • Diego Francisco Romero Hinojosa • Juan Antonio Torés Montosa • Carmen Rosario Beuzón López • Araceli Castillo Garriga • Eduardo De la Peña Alonso • Juan Antonio Díaz Pendón • María Dolores García Pedrajas • Ana Grande Pérez • Enrique Moriones Alonso • Jesús Navas Castillo • Eduardo Rodríguez Bejarano • Javier Ruiz Albert Latest publications: Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. Production of compact petunias through polyploidization Molecular Plant Pathology. Confocal microscopy reveals in planta dynamic interactions between pathogenic, avirulent and non-pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae strains
Last Updated on: Mar 09, 2025

Global Experts in Instituto de Hortofruticultura Subtropical y Mediterranea La Mayora