Instituto de Economia Geografia y Demografia CCHS

Instituto de Economia Geografia y Demografia CCHS

The Institute of Economy, Geography and Demography of the CSIC (IEGD) was created in 1986 with the merger of six institutes of the CSIC. In 2007 he joined the Center for Human and Social Sciences. Its historical and voluminous bibliographical, cartographic and statistical fund now enlarges Tomás Navarro Tomás del CCHS library.
The activity is articulated in large lines of research and working groups, and also includes two laboratories (Network Aging and Spectrum Radiometry and Environmental Remote Sensing). Its researchers are also part of four Associated Units: the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the Complutense University of Madrid, the Department of Geography of the University of Alcalá and the Ingema Foundation.
It organizes, through the group of Demographic Dynamics, a Postgraduate Course: "Health of the Population, demographic and statistical analysis".
It publishes the bi-annual magazine "Geographical Studies", uninterruptedly since 1940, when the Juan Sebastián Elcano Institute launched it, one of those subsumed in 1986.
All this structure and activity has as main objective the scientific investigation. Around the workforce of state researchers, research fellows and technical staff, research is funded with the corresponding grants for R & D projects, awarded in the various public calls, whether national, regional and European Union, or through contracts and agreements with administrations and institutions.
The main objective is specific tasks: providing advice and technical support; Generate and develop specific methodologies; To provide young graduates with their training and research activity so that they can join the current R & D & I system; Foster research and teaching relationships with other national and international centers; Publish results in books, scientific articles and outreach, in papers and communications in national and international congresses, and through the organization of congresses, seminars, round tables and open days. In short, to transfer to society the knowledge generated and to base the planning and decisions better informed in the public and private spheres.
There are several projects underline the current research like: DISESGLOB: Design of a methodology for monitoring and evaluating the overall sustainability of National Parks and the influence of changes in use, ENCAGE-CM. Active Aging, Quality of Life and Gender, LONGPOP Project. Methodologies and data mining techniques for the analysis and exploitation of large volumes of information based on Epidemiological and Longitudinal Records of Population, SOSTPARK project. Analysis of the sustainability of protected areas in Spain. Implications for the integral sustainability of the territory, TEMPER. Temporary vs. Permanent Migration.
Last Updated on: Mar 07, 2025

Global Experts in Instituto de Economia Geografia y Demografia CCHS