Created in 1966, its scientific-technical objective is to carry out research of excellence on the sustainable production of quality food, its safety,
health impact and consumer acceptance.
Research is based on
Biotechnology of foods, Diet, Microbiota and Health, Innovation In Food and Processes; Food Safety and Conservation
IATA participates in R&D&i projects funded by competitive calls at national, European and International levels and its researchers collaborate with many institutions, networks and associations. IATA is working closely with the food industry in the design and development of new products, processes and services, and improvement of existing ones, in order to obtain value-added products that meet consumer demands for quality, health, sensory characteristics and sustainability. IATA takes part in the training of undergraduate and graduate students (master and doctorate degrees) together with the University of Valencia and the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Additionally, IATA hosts many researchers for training internships coming from Spanish or International institutions.
Departments and Research
Various Departments of Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de los Alimentos are
a) Department of Biotechnology
b) Department of Food Science
c) Department of Conservation and Food Security Technologies
Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de los Alimentos published 165 SCI
indexed articles, 54 national and 12 international projects and 60+ contracts in 2016.
The IATA is a center of the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC). The current structure is formed by a Directorate, three Departments, Support Units and Research Service.
a) Address of the IATA
b) Vicedirección Científica
c) Technical Vice-Direction
d) Management
e) Secretariat
One of IATA’s main objectives is that the scientific knowledge generated by our researchers has the biggest impact possible thanks to an effective communication. IATA makes use of its specialised services that transmit the scientific advances in the right way taking into account the different audiences. At the same time it possesses the resources needed so their researchers can access to specialised publications such as scientific
journals and patents.
Library & Documentation
a) IATA’s library counts with a book collection that includes general interest topics and also very specific topics related to
Food Science and Technology.
b) IATA also counts with an archive and a scientific documentation service that guides our researchers and conducts our own scientific production monitoring.
Scientific Dissemination
Science provides us with knowledge that has to be transmitted to society so this is aware and participant of the knowledge and can enjoy and have an opinion of everything is offered to it. IATA counts with specialized services that transmit the scientific advances in the right way taking into account the different audiences.
1. Aristoy Albert, Department of Food Science
2. Ballester Frutos, Department of Food Biotechnology
3. Campos Navarro, Department of Food Biotechnology
4. Castro Mayorga, Department of Food Quality and Preservation
5. Devesa Pérez, Department of Food Quality and Preservation
6. Espert Tortajada, Department of Food Science
Last Updated on: Jan 20, 2025