Hanshin University founded in 1940 is a private university in the Seoul National Capital Area of South Korea. The campus is located in Osan City, Gyeonggi province. The current president is Yoon, Eung Jin. In 1980, it was name as Hanshin institute later in 1992 it was renamed as Hanshin university. In 1997, it was selected as a leading university by the Ministry of Education.
Accredited in the 2nd overall university evaluation by the Ministry of
Education &
Human Resources in 2004. Awarded as the beneficiary of the Gyeonggi Pre-Employment Major Program Support Program. Acquired the Accreditation for Higher
Education by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and Korean Council for University Education. Appointed as the beneficiary of the Youth Internship Program and Youth Job and Career Support Program by the Ministry of
Labor in 2011.
Presently, it is the Industry-academic cooperation and leading university of Gyeonggido, Korea. Established undergraduate schools like college of theology, college of Humanity, college of social science, college of global corporation, college of IT etc and graduate schools ,Research center for Policy-making in a Democratic Society, Center for Engineering
Education & Innovation, Center for Peace & Pubic Values, Center for Local Community Welfare and industry Industry-Academia Collaboration body like Center for SME Industry-Academia Collaboration.
Last Updated on: Feb 22, 2025