DTU Nanotech

DTU Nanotech

DTU Nanotech is a department at DTU, dedicated to conduct research, education and innovation within micro- and nanotechnology at the highest international level. Being an active player in close to 100 collaborative research projects of which many includes national and international leading companies and institutions, DTU Nanotech has a high degree of external cooperation, urging our professionalism and our competencies to the forefront. We promote academic excellence by fostering a team-based scientific environment building on the passion, talent and skills of our international and cross-disciplinary staff.
DTU Nanotech has around 215 people on its staff of which 80 are PhD students and with 40 % international employees the department constitutes an international environment. At DTU Nanotech, we exploit sciences across the traditional boundaries of technology enabling innovative solutions for the benefit of society. Micro- and nanotechnology is applied within the biomedical, life sciences, environment, energy, security, and sensing areas.
DTU Nanotech is the main user of DTU Cen, state of the art center for electron microscopy, and of DTU Danchip, state of the art cleanroom on a global level. Access to these facilities together with our own research infrastructure provides us with a unique position within the international and Danish micro- and nanotechnology scene of both research and education. Research The research at DTU Nanotech is coordinated in 4 strategic research fields, namely: Biomedical Engineering and Life Science (covering e.g. biomaterials, nanomedicine and tissue and cellular engineering), Sustainable Nanotechnology (covering e.g. solar cells, water quality monitoring and explosives detection), Lab-on-a-chip (covering e.g. pumps, sensors, bonding and surface modification), and Materials and fabrication (covering e.g. silicon microfabrication, polymer microfabrication and new materials e.g. graphene).
The fields are dynamic and within the fields, researchers from across the department can team up following their current interest. Education DTU Nanotech is dedicated to providing its students with education combining rigorous academic study with the exhilaration of discovery. In 2012, 570 students attended one or more courses at DTU Nanotech. DTU Nanotech is actively engaged in several educational programs at DTU, e.g. the Physics and Nanotechnology BSc and MSc programs and the Pharmaceutical Design and Engineering MSc program. We emphasize interaction with other departments at DTU and we give courses in collaboration with 6 other departments.
DTU Nanotech we offer a wide range of projects at the BSc, MSc, and PhD levels and many projects are conducted in collaboration with our industrial and academic partners. Innovation DTU Nanotech has developed a strong tradition of transferring research results to industry. In many cases, DTU Nanotech has been instrumental in forming the basis for next-generation technology products by collaborating with industry and by establishing 15 start-up companies since 2013. These innovation activities have resulted in several hundred jobs with high knowledge content in Denmark.
Last Updated on: Feb 22, 2025

Global Experts in DTU Nanotech