Centro de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona

Centro de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona

The Center of Regenerative Medicine of Barcelona (CMRB) is a center of scientific research in regenerative medicine and mother cells that was created through a scientific collaboration agreement between the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. His lines of research focus on the genetic and cellular mechanisms of embryonic development and the self-renewal and differentiation of stem cells. The goal is to understand how the ability of cells as well as the various animal models capable of regenerating their organs can be the basis for future regeneration therapies.
The CMRB is made up of a team of scientists of many different nationalities and is located in the Olympic Village of Barcelona, in the Biomedical Research Park of Barcelona (PRBB), where several centers of advanced biomedical research are grouped. It is integrated as a functional unit, the Bank of Cell Lines of Barcelona (BLCB). The BLCB focuses its work on the derivation, maintenance, characterization and preservation of pluripotent stem cells (embryonic and iPSC) in order to develop research activities in the area of regenerative medicine. Infrastructurally the bank consists of laboratories of cell culture, characterization and cryobiology.
After the approval of the new assisted reproduction law (Nov. 2003) it became possible to investigate in Spain with frozen human embryos and stem cells derived from them. The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs (now the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality) approved the creation of the Center for Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona in July 2004. The CMRB has the basic mission of investigating human pluripotent stem cells (embryonic and induced or iPSC) as well as in different animal models to investigate the regeneration of tissues and organs and work so that these advances can soon be transferred to the clinic. Stem cells are also used for disease modeling in the search for efficient drugs.
The CMRB was created through a scientific collaboration agreement between the Department of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (now Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness), last 15 Of July 2004. On November 29, 2004, the CMRB Private Foundation was established as a legal entity and as a body manager. The CMR [B] joins the YoMo, On February 28th the WRC will participate in YoMo, the Youth Mobile Festival, an event to inspire the next generation of scientists, technologists, engineers and designers to succeed in an increasingly mobile world.
Last Updated on: Mar 11, 2025

Global Experts in Centro de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona