The Center for Genomic Sciences (CGS) is a comprehensive and flexible research facility designed to investigate a broad range of medically and surgically relevant problems using cutting-edge molecular genetic and
bioinformatics techniques. CGS is a self-contained research unit of Allegheny-Singer Research Institute, ASRI, the research arm of Allegheny General Hospital which, in turn, serves as the tertiary care facility for the entire West Penn Allegheny
Health System The facilities and intellectual infrastructure of CGS provides a collegial and collaborative academic/clinical environment that promotes interdisciplinary research grounded in the fundamental concepts of modern functional genomics.
The Center fosters the development of surgeon-scientists, physician-scientists and biomedical researchers throughout the institution and the Pittsburgh area by actively working to develop partnerships among teams of individuals with diverse scientific, clinical, computational and engineering backgrounds. CGS scientists study genetic and evolutionary phenomena that impact human
health from a top-down approach. This is accomplished by the use of global research tools which permit imaging of entire genomes and expressomes simultaneously, as opposed to narrowly investigating a single gene in isolation from its environment. This is the molecular biological equivalent of studying a symphony from a conductors score instead of just listening to the second oboe to try to discern what the composer had in mind. This approach to learning and understanding is applied to viral and bacterial pathogens as well as to their human hosts.
Last Updated on: Nov 26, 2024