BAMU University

BAMU University

In the first quarter of 18th Century, Marathwada become part of Nizam’s Domain.   To reward of long and distinguished career in war and politics, Aurangzeb appointed his general, Asif Jah as subhedar of Deccan in 1713 with the title of Nizam-Ul-Mulk, which become the hereditary little of the family.  It remained a part of the Nizam Domain until 1948 when police action merged the Hyderabad State into the Indian Union.Marathwada is a division of Maharashtra state in India.  Aurangabad Division popularly known as Marathwada.  It was basically founded as a military camp and a seat subhedar in Deccan.  Later on it was developed as a big trading town and a lending cultural center of the Deccan, Aurangabad is an ancient city with great historical tradition.  It was a part of Nizam’s territory.  After the police action in 1948, Aurangabad come under the jurisdiction the Government of Indian and on the reorganization of the state in 1956 the Marathwada became a part of bilingual state of Bombay and from 1st May 1960 Marathwada has been a part of the state of Maharashtra.

           In the first quarter of 18th Century, Marathwada become part of Nizam’s Domain.   To reward of long and distinguished career in war and politics, Aurangzeb appointed his general, Asif Jah as subhedar of Deccan in 1713 with the title of Nizam-Ul-Mulk, which become the hereditary little of the family.  It remained a part of the Nizam Domain until 1948 when police action merged the Hyderabad State into the Indian Union.Marathwada is a division of Maharashtra state in India.  Aurangabad Division popularly known as Marathwada.  It was basically founded as a military camp and a seat subhedar in Deccan.  Later on it was developed as a big trading town and a lending cultural center of the Deccan, Aurangabad is an ancient city with great historical tradition.  It was a part of Nizam’s territory.  After the police action in 1948, Aurangabad come under the jurisdiction the Government of Indian and on the reorganization of the state in 1956 the Marathwada became a part of bilingual state of Bombay and from 1st May 1960 Marathwada has been a part of the state of Maharashtra.

Last Updated on: Mar 09, 2025

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