Yi-Chiann Chen

Assistant Researcher
Silviculture Division
Taiwan Forestry Research Institute


Yi-Chiann Chen is Researcher of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, in the Silviculture Division. His Research interest and job description include: Forest biotechnology, Plant molecular biology and functional genomics researches, Tree improvement by genetic engineering, Establishment of isolated field trail for genetic modified trees.

Research Intrest

Forest biotechnology, Plant molecular biology and functional genomics researches, Tree improvement by genetic engineering, Establishment of isolated field trail for genetic modified trees.

List of Publications
Chen ZZ, Chang SH, Ho CK, Chen YC, Tsai JB, et al. (2001) Plant production of transgenic Eucalyptus camaldulensis carrying the Populus tremuloides cinnamate 4-hydroxylase gene. Plant Biotechnology 844: 198.
Ho CK, Chen YC, Chen ZZ (2002) cDNA cloning and sequence analysis of 5-hydroxyconiferaldehyde O-methyltransferase from Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Journal of Taiwan Forestry Science 17: 429-438.
Chen ZZ, Chen YC, Chou YH, Lin Y (2006) cDNA cloning and molecular characterization of 4-coumarate: coenzyme A ligase in Eucalyptus camaldulensis.Journal of Taiwan Forestry Science 21: 87-100.

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