Yasin Dagdas

Gregor Mendel Institute for Molecular Plant Biology
Gregor Mendel Institute


Dr. Yasin Dagdas has received the 2018 Biochemical Society Early Career Research Award for Cells. Biochemical Society Early Career Research Awards are given biannually in different fields and highlight outstanding work by scientists in the early stages of their career. Professor Colin Bingle, Acting Chair of the Awards Committee, said: “The Biochemical Society Awards are the perfect way to honour exceptional scientists within the bioscience community. As ever, the entry criteria are tough and the standards high and the awards are a real tribute to the talent within our community."

Research Intrest

Multidisciplinary approach- interpret mechanistic studies through a robust evolutionary framework. The role of autophagy in plant development and stress tolerance.

List of Publications
Dagdas YF, Belhaj K, Maqbool A, Chaparro-Garcia A, Pandey P, et al. (2016) An effector of the Irish potato famine pathogen antagonizes a host autophagy cargo receptor. Elife e10856.
Belhaj K, Cano LM, Prince DC, Kemen A, Yoshida K et al. (2016) Arabidopsis late blight: infection of a nonhost plant by Albugo laibachii enables full colonization by Phytophthora infestans. Cell Microbiol.
Maqbool A, Hughes RK, Dagdas YF, Tregidgo N, Zess E, et al. (2016) Structural Basis of Host Autophagy-related Protein 8 (ATG8) Binding by the Irish Potato Famine Pathogen Effector Protein PexRD54. J Biol Chem 291: 20270-20282.

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