Wilson Savino

vice president
Oswaldo Cruz Institute- Fiocruz

Scientist Neurology

W. Savino holds a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1974), a Master's Degree in Histology and Embryology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1979), a PhD in Cell and Tissue Biology from the University of São Paulo (1982) and postdoctoral degree in Cellular Immunology at Hopspital Necker, Paris (1983-1985). He presided over the Brazilian Society of Immunology in the biennium 1993-1995, the Brazilian Society of Cell Biology (2010-2014), and the International Neuroimmunomodulation Society (2011-2014). Currently, I am the vice president of the International Society of Immunonutrição. He is a researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Director of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Researcher 1A of CNPq and Scientist of Our State, Faperj. Besides that, composes the International Scientific Board of the Pasteur Institute of Montevideo. He is also Editor-in-chief of the journal NeuroImmunoModulation since April 2007. He is also coordinator of the International Laboratory Fiocruz / Inserm / UPMC Associate of Cell Therapy and Immunotherapy. Received several awards and honors; among them the title "Chevalier dans l'Ordre de Palmes Académiques" (French government) and Luis Federico Leloir (Argentine government) medal. He has experience in Immunology, with emphasis on Cellular Immunology, working mainly on the following topics: 1. Cell migration physiology in the lymphohematopoietic system; 2. Immunoneuroendocrine interactions under normal and pathological conditions; 3. Migration and death of lymphocytes in infectious diseases; 4. Leukocyte migration in autoimmune diseases and organ transplantation; 5. Cell migration in leukemias and lymphomas; 6. Cell migration, cell therapy and immunotherapy in neuromuscular diseases

Research Intrest

1. Cell migration physiology in the lymphohematopoietic system; 2. Immunoneuroendocrine interactions under normal and pathological conditions; 3. Migration and death of lymphocytes in infectious diseases; 4. Leukocyte migration in autoimmune diseases and organ transplantation; 5. Cell migration in leukemias and lymphomas; 6. Cell migration, cell therapy and immunotherapy in neuromuscular diseases

List of Publications
SILVA-DOS-SANTOS, DANIELLE ; BARRETO-DE-ALBUQUERQUE, JULIANA ; GUERRA, BÁRBARA ; MOREIRA, OTACILIO C. ; BERBERT, Luiz Ricardo ; RAMOS, MARIANA TAVARES ; MASCARENHAS, BARBARA ANGELICA S. ; BRITTO, CONSTANÇA ; Morrot, Alexandre ; SERRA VILLA-VERDE, DÉA M. ; GARZONI, LUCIANA RIBEIRO ; Savino, Wilson ; COTTA-DE-ALMEIDA, VINÍCIUS ; MEIS, JULIANA DE . Unraveling Chagas disease transmission through the oral route: Gateways to Trypanosoma cruzi infection and target tissues. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, v. 11, p. e0005507, 2017.
LOSADA-BARRAGÁN, MONICA ; UMAÑA-PÉREZ, ADRIANA ; CUERVO-ESCOBAR, SERGIO ; BERBERT, Luiz Ricardo ; PORROZZI, RENATO ; MORGADO, FERNANDA N. ; MENDES-DA-CRUZ, DANIELLA AREAS ; Savino, Wilson ; SÁNCHEZ-GÓMEZ, MYRIAM ; CUERVO, PATRICIA . Protein malnutrition promotes dysregulation of molecules involved in T cell migration in the thymus of mice infected with Leishmania infantum. Scientific Reports, v. 7, p. 45991, 2017.
GOLBERT, DAIANE CRISTINA F. ; SANTANA-VAN-VLIET, ELIANE ; Ribeiro-Alves, Marcelo ; DA FONSÊCA, MARBELLA MARIA B. ; Lepletier, Ailin ; Mendes-da-Cruz, Daniella Arêas ; LOSS, GUILHERME ; COTTA-DE-ALMEIDA, VINÍCIUS ; VASCONCELOS, ANA TEREZA R. ; Savino, Wilson . Small interference ITGA6 gene targeting in the human thymic epithelium differentially regulates the expression of immunological synapse-related genes. Cell Adhesion & Migration, v. xx, p. 1-2, 2017.