Víctor Borrell Franco

Principal Investigator
Developmental Neurobiology
The Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante

Scientist Neurology

Degree: Biological Sciences, Universidad de Barcelona, 1995 Ph.D program: Biological Sciences, Universidad de Barcelona, 2001 Posdoctoral Positions: 2001/2004 Postdoctoral Investigator in The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla CA, USA Previous positions: 2004/2008 Ramón y Cajal investigator Current Position: 2008/present CSIC-Staff Scientist

Research Intrest

Research Fields: Neural differentiation and specification

List of Publications
Kielar M. , Tuy, F.P.D., Bizzotto, S., Lebrand, C., De Juan Romero, C., ....., Borrell, V., Welker, E., Chelly, J., Croquelois, A., Francis, F. " Mutations in Eml1 lead to ectopic progenitors and neuronal heterotopia in mouse and human " Nature Neuroscience . 17 , 923 - 933 ( 2014 ) Pilz GA , Shitamukai A, Reillo I, Pacary E, Schwausch J, Stahl R, Ninkovic J, Snippert HJ, Clevers H, Godinho L, Guillemot F, Borrell V, Matsuzaki F, Götz M " Amplification of progenitors in the mammalian telencephalon includes a novel radial glia cell type " Nature Communications . 4 , 2125 - ( 2013 ) Nonaka-Kinoshita M. , Reillo I, Artegiani B, Martínez-Martínez MA, Nelson M, Borrell V*, Calegari F.* " Regulation of Cerebral Cortex Size and Folding by Expansion of Basal Progenitors. " EMBO J . 32 , 1817 - 1828 ( 2013 ) *Co-author Stahl R. , Walcher T, De Juan C, Pilz GA, Capello S, Irmler M, Sanz-Anquela JM, Beckers J, Blum R, Borrell V, Götz M " TRNP1 regulates expansion and folding of the mammalian cerebral cortex by control of radial glial fate. " Cell . 153 , 535 - 549 ( 2013 ) Borrell V.* , Cárdenas A, Garcia-Frigola C, Galcerán J, Flames N, Ciceri G, Pla R, Nóbrega S, Peregrín S, Ma L, Tessier-Lavigne M, Marín O* " Slit/Robo signaling modulates the proliferation of central nervous system progenitors. " Neuron . 76 , 338 - 352 ( 2012 ) *Co-author