V (Mark) Boekschoten

Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences
Wageningen University

Scientist Genetics

Applied Nutrigenomics., Nutritional Aspects of Foods, dissection free,

Research Intrest

Genomics, Nutrigenomics, Microarrays, Cholesterol, Liver, Visualization, Diterpenes

List of Publications
Identification of a mammalian silicon transporter Ratcliffe, Sarah ; Jugdaohsingh, Ravin ; Vivancos, Julien ; Marron, Alan ; Deshmukh, Rupesh ; Ma, Jian Feng ; Mitani-Ueno, Namiki ; Robertson, Jack ; Wills, John ; Boekschoten, Mark V. ; Müller, Michael ; Mawhinney, Robert C. ; Kinrade, Stephen D. ; Isenring, Paul ; Bélanger, Richard R. ; Powell, Jonathan J. (2017) American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology 312 (5). - p. C550 - C561.
The effects of Lactobacillus plantarum on small intestinal barrier function and mucosal gene transcription; A randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial Mujagic, Zlatan ; Vos, Paul De; Boekschoten, Mark V. ; Govers, Coen ; Pieters, Harm J.H.M. ; Wit, Nicole J.W. De; Bron, Peter A. ; Masclee, Ad A.M. ; Troost, Freddy J. (2017) Scientific Reports 7 .
Lifestyle and Horizontal Gene Transfer-Mediated Evolution of Mucispirillum schaedleri, a Core Member of the Murine Gut Microbiota Loy, Alexander ; Pfann, Carina ; Steinberger, Michaela ; Hanson, Buck ; Herp, Simone ; Brugiroux, Sandrine ; Gomes Neto, João Carlos ; Boekschoten, Mark V. ; Schwab, Clarissa ; Urich, Tim ; Ramer-Tait, Amanda E. ; Rattei, Thomas ; Stecher, Bärbel ; Berry, David ; Lozupone, Catherine (2017) mSystems 2 (1). - 15 p.
β2→1-fructans modulate the immune system in vivo in a microbiota-dependent and -independent fashion Fransen, Floris ; Sahasrabudhe, Neha M. ; Elderman, Marlies ; Bosveld, Margaret ; Aidy, Sahar El; Hugenholtz, Floor ; Borghuis, Theo ; Kousemaker, Ben ; Winkel, Simon ; Gaast-de Jongh, Christa van der; Jonge, Marien I. de; Boekschoten, Mark V. ; Smidt, Hauke ; Schols, Henk A. ; Vos, Paul de (2017) Frontiers in Immunology 8 (FEB)
The impact of gut microbiota on gender-specific differences in immunity Fransen, Floris ; Beek, Adriaan A. van; Borghuis, Theo ; Meijer, Ben ; Hugenholtz, Floor ; Gaast-de Jongh, Christa van der; Savelkoul, Huub F. ; Jonge, Marien I. de; Faas, Marijke M. ; Boekschoten, Mark V. ; Smidt, Hauke ; Aidy, Sahar El ; Vos, Paul de (2017) Frontiers in Immunology 8 . - 14 p.