Identification of a mammalian silicon transporter
Ratcliffe, Sarah ; Jugdaohsingh, Ravin ; Vivancos, Julien ; Marron, Alan ; Deshmukh, Rupesh ; Ma, Jian Feng ; Mitani-Ueno, Namiki ; Robertson, Jack ; Wills, John ; Boekschoten, Mark V. ; Müller, Michael ; Mawhinney, Robert C. ; Kinrade, Stephen D. ; Isenring, Paul ; Bélanger, Richard R. ; Powell, Jonathan J. (2017)
American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology 312 (5). - p. C550 - C561.
The effects of Lactobacillus plantarum on small intestinal barrier function and mucosal gene transcription; A randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial
Mujagic, Zlatan ; Vos, Paul De; Boekschoten, Mark V. ; Govers, Coen ; Pieters, Harm J.H.M. ; Wit, Nicole J.W. De; Bron, Peter A. ; Masclee, Ad A.M. ; Troost, Freddy J. (2017)
Scientific Reports 7 .
Lifestyle and Horizontal Gene Transfer-Mediated Evolution of Mucispirillum schaedleri, a Core Member of the Murine Gut Microbiota
Loy, Alexander ; Pfann, Carina ; Steinberger, Michaela ; Hanson, Buck ; Herp, Simone ; Brugiroux, Sandrine ; Gomes Neto, João Carlos ; Boekschoten, Mark V. ; Schwab, Clarissa ; Urich, Tim ; Ramer-Tait, Amanda E. ; Rattei, Thomas ; Stecher, Bärbel ; Berry, David ; Lozupone, Catherine (2017)
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β2→1-fructans modulate the immune system in vivo in a microbiota-dependent and -independent fashion
Fransen, Floris ; Sahasrabudhe, Neha M. ; Elderman, Marlies ; Bosveld, Margaret ; Aidy, Sahar El; Hugenholtz, Floor ; Borghuis, Theo ; Kousemaker, Ben ; Winkel, Simon ; Gaast-de Jongh, Christa van der; Jonge, Marien I. de; Boekschoten, Mark V. ; Smidt, Hauke ; Schols, Henk A. ; Vos, Paul de (2017)
Frontiers in Immunology 8 (FEB)
The impact of gut microbiota on gender-specific differences in immunity
Fransen, Floris ; Beek, Adriaan A. van; Borghuis, Theo ; Meijer, Ben ; Hugenholtz, Floor ; Gaast-de Jongh, Christa van der; Savelkoul, Huub F. ; Jonge, Marien I. de; Faas, Marijke M. ; Boekschoten, Mark V. ; Smidt, Hauke ; Aidy, Sahar El ; Vos, Paul de (2017)
Frontiers in Immunology 8 . - 14 p.