Postdoctoral Fellow (Visiting)
Center for Cancer Research
National Cancer Institute
United Arab Emirates
Ulrike Boehm, Ph.D., studied physics at the Technical University of Munich (2004-2009). Her undergraduate research included several internships at various research institutions in Germany. Ulrike’s educational program was completed magna cum laude with a research project on correlative microscopy at liquid nitrogen temperature in the group of Wolfgang Baumeister at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried/Munich, Germany. She performed her Ph.D. research in the group of Nobel Laureate Stefan Hell at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen, Germany. In Goettingen she developed a new super-resolution technique for the three-dimensional visualization of living biological structures and their dynamics at low light levels. She successfully defended her thesis titled, “4Pi-RESOLFT nanoscopy” magna cum laude in 2016 at the University of Heidelberg. Since 2016, Ulrike works as a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, broadening her imaging and scientific skills. Using single-molecule imaging, super-resolution microscopy and various biophysical and molecular approaches she will explore how gene expression in living cells works.
advanced optical imaging, super-resolution microscopy, single-molecule biophysics & imaging, gene expression, transcription