Tapio Lampén

Department of Physics
Helsinki Institute of Physics

Scientist Physics

Tapio Lampén is a senior scientist in the department of Physics at Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland. He is working on the project "CMS Experiment". He has completed his Ph.D. He has published many research papers, which appeared in national and international journals and edited books. He has also made presentations at several international and national seminars and conferences.

Research Intrest

Particle physics

List of Publications
Belotelov, Ivan, O. L. Buchmüller, C. Martínez-Rivero, Francisco Matorras, Maarten Thomas, I. González-Caballero, Tapio Lampen, Vyacheslav Valuev, P. Martínez, and Arno Heister. Simulation of misalignment scenarios for CMS tracking devices. No. CMS-NOTE-2006-008. CERN-CMS-NOTE-2006-008, 2006.
Karimäki, Veikko, Frank-Peter Schilling, and Tapio Lampen. The HIP algorithm for track based alignment and its application to the CMS pixel detector. No. CMS-NOTE-2006-018. CERN-CMS-NOTE-2006-018, 2006.
Bayatian, G. L., Sandor Czellar, Edward Hæggström, Aatos Heikkinen, Jaakko Härkönen, Natalia Jiganova, Veikko Karimäki et al. "CMS The Computing Project." (2005).