Stefan Simis

Earth Observation Scientist
Environmental Sciencec
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom


Stefan is a phytoplankton ecologist with a keen interest in optical observation technology, ranging from in situ measurements to remote sensing, based in laboratory, field, and numerical studies. His work at PML focuses on the use of earth observation platforms to produce water quality information in inland waters, including algorithm development, calibration/validation studies, and large scale data processing. There is ample interaction between earth observation and modelling science at PML, which has resulted in new collaborations in the field of high resolution remote sensing, and applications targeting aquaculture. In previous work in lakes and the Baltic Sea Stefan has studied various aspects of cyanobacterial physiology, and detection of biogeochemical properties from autonomous observations platforms.

Research Intrest

Optical observation technology, ranging from in situ measurements to remote sensing, based in laboratory, field, and numerical studies.

List of Publications
Simis SGH and Olsson J(2013) Unattended processing of shipborne hyperspectral reflectance measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment 135:202–212.
Le Tortorec AH, Hakanen P, Kremp A, Olsson J and Simis SGH (2014) Stimulated bioluminescence as an early indicator of bloom development of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii. Journal of Plankton Research, 36:412-423.
Silsbe GM, Oxborough K, Suggett DJ, Forster RM, Simis SGH, et al (2015). Toward autonomous measurements of photosynthetic electron transport rates: An evaluation of active fluorescence-based measurements of photochemistry. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 13:138-155.