
SOSNOVSKY ALEXANDER completed his Degree D.Sc. and working as Researcher in the Department of Glaciology. THE MAIN AREAS OF RESEARCH EXPEDITIONS:Polar Urals and Svalbard.

Research Intrest

Thermal physics of snow; the study of heat transfer in the atmosphere - snow – soil (glaciers); snow cover and permafrost; engineering glaciology; theoretical and applied aspects of artificial ice formation in natural conditions; purification anddesalination of saline water by freezing.

List of Publications
Osokin N.I., Sosnovsky A.V.2014. Field investigation of eff icient thermal conductivity of snow cover on Spitsbergen // Ice and snow. M. V. 3 (127). P. 50-58.
Osokin N.I., Sosnowskiy A.V.2015. Impact of dynamics of air temperature and snow cover thickness on the ground freezing.// Earth Cryosphere. V. XIX. № 1. P. 99–105.
Sosnovsky A.V., Macheret Yu.Ya., Glazovsky A.F., Lavrentiev I.I.2015. Influence of snow cover on the thermal regime of a polythermal glacier in Western Spitsbergen // Ice and snow. M. V. 3. P. 27-37.