Research fellow
Behavioural Ecology
Universidad de Vigo
2015- PI. Universidade de Vigo. 2010-2014 Parga Pondal research fellow: Universidade de Vigo. 2008-2009 Postdoctoral researcher: Universidade de Vigo. 2006-2008 Postdoctoral researcher: Universidad Autónoma de México. 2001-2005 Ph.D.: University of Glasgow (supervisor: Prof. Pat Monaghan). 1997-2001 B.Sc.: Bioloy. Kyung-hee University, Seoul.
Life-history evolution; Plasticity; Gene expression; Quantitative genetics; Eco-evolutionary dynamics I am interested in life-history evolution and its demographic consequences in natural populations. Currently, I am studying how the interplay between genes and environment influences the evolution of complex phenotypes. I do this by applying quantitative genetic models based on experimental data and analysing gene expression in wild birds and fish.