Simon wilkinson

Staff Scientist
Medical Toxicology CentreUniversity of Newcastle
Medical Toxicology Centre Newcastle University
United Kingdom

Scientist Toxicology

Dr. Simon Wilkinson is currently working as a staff scientist in Medical Toxicology Centre, Newcatle University, United Kingdom. His research interests include dermal absorption, dermal metabolism and dermal toxicology. He is serving as an editorial member and reviewer in several international reputed journals. Dr Simon Wilkinson is a member of many international affiliations. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He has authored many research articles related to his Research interest.

Research Intrest

"Dermal absorption, dermal metabolism and dermal toxicology In vitro methods for dermal absorption and metabolism Dermal absorption of components from liquid mixtures Detection of exposure during accidental and deliberate chemical release"

List of Publications
Moss GP, Sun Y, Davey N, Wilkinson SC, Brown MB. Linear or non-linear models for percutaneous absorption?. In: Stratum Corneum VIII Conference - 8th International Symposium. 2015, Cardiff, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Kizhedath A, Wilkinson S, Glassey J. Applicability of predictive toxicology methods for monoclonal antibody therapeutics: Status Quo and Scope. Archives of Toxicology 2016, Epub ahead of print.
Koogoli R, Hudson L, Naidoo K, Wilkinson S, Chavan B, Birch-Machin M. Bad air gets under your skin. Experimental Dermatology 2017, epub ahead of print.