Silvia Emilia Ibarra Obando

Principal Researcher
Department of Marine ecology
Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada


Silvia Emilia Ibarra Obando is a Principal Researcher from Department of Marine ecology. He has publications nearly 60 publications.

Research Intrest

Benthic vegetable ecology

List of Publications
Carriquiry JD, Jorgensen P, Villaescusa JA, Ibarra OSE (2015)Isotopic and elemental composition of marine macrophytes as biotracers of nutrient recycling within a coastal lagoon in Baja California. Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts.
Cruz TGI, Ibarra OSE, Aguilar RLE, Poumian TM, Solana AME (2015)Presence of Sargassum horneri at Todos Santos Bay, Baja California, Mexico: its effects on the local macroalgae community. American J Plant Sci 6: 2693-2707.