Senior Investigator
Division of Cancer Epidemiology, Infections and Immunoepidem
National Cancer Institute
United States of America
"As a senior investigator in the Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch (IIB), Dr. Mbulaiteye focuses his research on unraveling the role of infections, immunity, and genetic factors in the etiology of Burkitt lymphoma and Kaposi sarcoma. Both of these malignancies are endemic in Africa and their risk is substantially increased in the setting of HIV/AIDS. Dr. Mbulaiteye received his primary medical degree from Makerere University, Kampala (1990). He earned advanced degrees in epidemiology and biostatistics (M.Phil.) from the University of Cambridge, U.K. (1994), and received specialization in internal medicine (M.Med.) from Makerere University (1996). He began his research career at the Uganda Cancer Institute (1994-1997) by leading the fieldwork on a large case-control study to measure the impact of HIV on cancer in children and adults. He transitioned to the Uganda Virus Research Institute where he tracked the population dynamics of HIV by measuring incidence and prevalence of HIV in a large rural general population in southwest Uganda in a study funded by the U.K. Medical Research Council. Dr. Mbulaiteye joined IIB as a research fellow in December 2000, and was awarded scientific tenure by the NIH and appointed senior investigator in 2013. Dr. Mbulaiteye is a member of the World Federation of Scientists, the Uganda National Academy of Sciences, the African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC), Darwin College Society, and Cambridge Common Wealth Trust, as well as an adjunct lecturer at George Washington University School of Public Health. He is a member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Cancer, Frontiers in Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, and Co-Editor-in-Chief, Infectious Agents and Cancer. At NCI, he currently serves on the DCEG Genotyping Review Committee and the NIH Tenure-Track Investigators Committee. Dr. Mbulaiteye is a recipient of the DCEG Outstanding Paper by a Fellow (2003), the NCI Directors Investigator Innovation Award (2008) and the NIH Award of Merit (2008), and was featured in an NCI Special Report: A Journey to Discovery, Journal of Minority Medical Students (2009)"
Burkitt Lymphoma (BL); Kaposi Sarcoma; HIV/AIDS and Cancer