Rytis Rimdeika

Health Sciences

Scientist Surgery

1984–1990 started studying in Kaunas Medical Academy, 1995–1999 continued with his PhD studies in Kaunas University of Medicine's surgical department. 1990 m. became a surgeon, plastic and reconstructive surgery doctor in Kaunas Academy of Medicine's hospital (Plastic and reconstructive surgery's department). 2001–2006 - head of the Plastic surgery and burns department in Kaunas University of Medicine's hospital, starting from 2006 – head of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery's department. 1997–2007 coordinator of surgery , 2007–2013- director of surgery in Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital. Dr. R. Rimdeika 1999 defended his thesis for a medical degree „Chirurginių metodų veiksmingumas gydant riboto ploto gilius nudegimus“. 1995 started a pedagogical job as an assistant lecturer in Kaunas University of Medicine, 1999 got a lecturer's degree, 2002 associate professor's, from 2006 – works as a professor.

Research Intrest
