Rui Zong Jiangs

HDR Hôpital de la Salpêtrière
HDR Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, France


Guy Hugues Fontaine has made 15 original contributions at the inception of cardiac pacemakers in the mid-60s. He has identified ARVD as a side work during the beginning of antiarrhythmic surgery in the late 70s. He has published more than 860 scientific papers including 197 book chapters. He was the reviewer of 17 journals both in clinical and basic Science. He has also served for 5 years as a Member of the Editorial Board of Circulation. He has been invited to give 11 master’s lectures of 90 minutes each during three weeks in the top universities of China (2014). Guy Hugues Fontaine has made 15 original contributions at the inception of cardiac pacemakers in the mid-60s. He has identified ARVD as a side work during the beginning of antiarrhythmic surgery in the late 70s. He has published more than 860 scientific papers including 197 book chapters. He was the reviewer of 17 journals both in clinical and basic Science. He has also served for 5 years as a Member of the Editorial Board of Circulation. He has been invited to give 11 master’s lectures of 90 minutes each during three weeks in the top universities of China (2014).

Research Intrest

 identified ARVD as a side work during the beginning of antiarrhythmic surgery

List of Publications
Value and limits of modern imaging techniques in the evaluation of fibrosis leading to Atrial Fibrillation