Robert Horowits

Office of Scientific Review
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
United States of America

Scientist Cardiology

Robert Horowits, Ph.D., is a scientific review officer in the Office of Scientific Review. Over the years he has managed the initial peer review of applications for funding from a wide variety of NIGMS programs, including the Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE), Maximizing Investigators' Research Awards (MIRA), the Support of Competitive Research (SCORE) Program, Pathway to Independence Awards (K99/R00) and the Postdoctoral Research Associate (PRAT) Program. Prior to joining NIGMS, Horowits spent two decades as a Senior Investigator in the NIAMS Intramural Research Program, where he oversaw a research program in biology of skeletal and cardiac muscles. He earned a B.S. in Biology from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of Pennsylvania.

Research Intrest

Biology of skeletal and cardiac muscles.