Associate Professor
Department of Biology
University of Florence
He is Associate Professor of Genetics (since 2002) (SSD Bio / 18 Genetics) in service at the Department of Biology at the University of Florence. He graduated in Biological Sciences on April 23, 1979 at the University of Florence with a vote of 110 and praised by discussing an experimental thesis entitled "Isolation and characterization of mutants of Bacillus subtilis altered in the process of competence", carried out at 'Institute of Genetics (Rapporteur Prof. M. Polsinelli). In the same year he won a scholarship in Molecular GeneticsOf the National Academy of Agriculture and researching as a fellow at the Genetics, Biochemistry and Evolutionary Laboratory of the University of Pavia (January to December 1980). In 1988 he received the Ph.D. in Genetics (Genetics and Molecular Biology) by discussing a final dissertation titled " Azospirillum brasilense nitrogenous bacterium genetics studies"Summary of the research activity carried out during the three-year period 1983-1986 at the aforementioned Genetics Laboratory. From 1986 to 1990 he was Professor of Role in Mathematical, Chemical, Physical and Natural Sciences at Lower Secondary School. The group of disciplines n.75 of the Faculty of MFN Sciences of the University of Florence. Since 2002 he is Associate Professor of Genetics (SSD Bio / 18) at the same University. Didactic activity (2002-2013) He is the holder of the Genetics Course for the Three Year Degree in Biological Sciences. He holds a degree in Bioinformatics for the Master Degree Course in Biology. He has been the holder of the Genetic Engineering course for the Biological Sciences degree course. Additional teaching load: 1) Genetic Engineering course for the Biotechnology degree course, 2) Genetics course for the Biology Molecular Biology Degree course. He is a member of the Doctoral School of the PhD in Genetics Sciences. He has been the speaker of over 100 thesis in Biology, Biotechnology. Scientific Activity He directs the Microbial and Molecular Evolution Laboratory at the Department of Biology of the University of Florence, whose main research lines are: 1) Molecular Evolution . The research deals with the analysis of molecular mechanisms responsible for the evolution of genes and genomes, with particular attention to the origin and evolution of metabolic pathways using experimental and bioinformatic approaches (genomics, comparative genomics, etc.). 2) Analysis of microbial populations isolated from natural environments.Research in this area concerns the analysis of genetic variability and the mechanisms responsible for microbial communities isolated from natural environments (extremes-Antarctica- and not), but with particular attention to microbial communities producing antibiotics, antivirals, anticancer agents And those capable of degrading xenobiotic substances. 3) Isolation of new natural antibiotics . The research deals with the identification and isolation of new natural antibiotics from bacteria isolated from extreme environments (Antarctica, Artide, etc.) and officinal plants. 4) Analysis of Microbial Producers of Electricity.The research in this context focuses on the genetic, phenotypic and genomic characterization of bacteria capable of producing electricity and isolated from natural environments (Ecuadoran Amazon forest etc). Scientific activity is attested by more than 140 publications (h-index = 29) and over 300 communications to national and international congresses. He is curator of the Pediatric Redi Scientific Necklace edited by the Florence University Press. He is the author of the book "From genetic genetics to genomics" (M. POlsinelli, R. Fani, L. De Carli) (Carocci Editore). He has organized numerous National and International Congresses and Symposiums. He has been invited to numerous congresses and scientific demonstrations and television and radio programs. His research has been quoted and reported in specialized and dissemination newspapers. He was guest editor of BMC Evolutionary Biology (in 2007) and Research in Microbiology (in 2009). Referral activities He is a referee of international journals such as PNAS, BMC Evolutionary Biology, BMC Microbiology, BMC Bioinformatics, PloS ONE, Annals of Microbiology, Research in Microbiology, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Journal of AOAC International, Water Reserach, Gene, Molecular Biology and Evolution , Journal of Molecular Evolution, Trends in Genetics, Trends in Microbiology, and was named as PRIN, FIRB, ERC Project Evaluator. She is a member of the editorial board of Annals of Microbiology, Open Journal of Evolutionary Biology and is Associate Editor of International Journal of Evolutionary Biology and BMC Microbiology. Scientific societies He is a member of the following Scientific Societies: 1) Italian Genetic Association (AGI); 2) Italian Society of Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnologies (SIMGBM); 3) International Society for the Study of Origin of Life (ISSOL); 4) Founder of the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology (SIBE)